Our Environment
At Garibaldi Crossing Dental we incorporated our passion for a clean environment into the construction of our dental office. By avoiding the use of oil and paper and minimizing the use of water through environmentally smart technology, we cut down on pollution and promote conservation. For example, a wet vacuum pump will use on average 200,000 gallons of water per year. We have installed a dry vacuum pump so there is no water or oil used at all! There is also energy efficient LED lighting and an amalgam separator in place to prevent mercury contamination into the environment. The office is paper-lite, has hand dryers installed and uses digital charts to cut down on paper waste and save more trees.
In an effort to involve families with our conservation, we support the World Wildlife Fund-Canada with regular adoptions of wildlife species, letting the children in our practice participate. Every child who is cavity-free will be entered into a draw for an opportunity to adopt a species with a personalized certificate and plush animal. See our cavity-free wall in the office for more details!